Comments from J Sutton

Showing 3 comments

J Sutton
J Sutton commented about Park Place Stadium Cinema 11 on May 7, 2024 at 4:15 pm

Theater closed on May 6, 2024. News story here:

J Sutton
J Sutton commented about Cinemark Movies 10 on Nov 10, 2014 at 6:03 am

This theatre was originally planned by Premiere, but taken over during construction by Cinemark and slight alterations were made (the original plan had the concession stand as a horse shoe attached to the box office). It was opened as a Cinemark Theatre, and always known as Movies 10. The only place I ever saw “Cinema 10” was on the original blue prints.

I was transfered to the Movies 10 from the Richmond Mall Movies 8 about 2 months prior to opening during construction, holding the positions of Projection Manager, Assistant Manager & Manager. There was an attempt by Lowes to purchase this theatre, the Richmond Mall Movies 8, Greentree 10, Lexington Green & Man'o'War Movies 8 in Lexington, Kentucky. That was in the beginning of 1991, with the deal being cancelled around June 1991.

It was the same Premiere design as the Greentree 10 (Clarksville, Indiana), Springfield Square 10 (Mansfield, Ohio) and the Richmond Mall Movies 8 (Richmond, Kentucky) but the Richmond Theatre had the four smallest theatres on the left and right removed, and what would be screen 10 (now screen six) divided into three. There was plans for another 10 screen design in Hurricane, West Virginia that was never finalied by Cinemark.

J Sutton
J Sutton commented about Richmond Mall Movies 8 on Nov 10, 2014 at 5:48 am

This was originally designed as a six screen by Premiere. During the initial design stage, Premiere went under contract to Cinemark and one of the screens to the right was divided into three. Only two employees of the theatre were ever Premiere employees (manager Mike Kivett) and myself (and only for a single day prior to the final transaction.