Comments from jss1962

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jss1962 commented about Carmike Oakwood Twin on Jul 31, 2020 at 11:27 am

The Tower Drive-in Theatre starting showing X- Rated, Adult Only Movies for a full decade beginning in 1976… Supposably, they were making Money for they charged then $5.00 per Adult, 18 and Over ! They blinded the screen from the outside roads from viewing the “action” on the screen, by placing 60 High Beam Spot Lights all around the Screen’s parking lot… They relocated the Box office to the Concession Stand’s Back surrounded by lighted fences because the Box Office located in the very Front had been robbed at least Twice. This was a All Paved Drive-In, built in 1949, well kept up grounds until the Last year of Opening which was around 1986. (there was an old manager operating the place with wife that did not maintain this Once Great Theatre). Sadly, with the Poor Management and the Invention of the VCR, the Drive-in Closed. Property has been for sale since Closure and could still operate as a Family Drive-in for the Property is still for SALE ! After cutting Trees,and weeding Grass, A New Drive-in Could be Built. It still has the bumps for the car to get great views of the movie. I doubt that would ever Happen. It would involve a lot of expense !…. Would Love to see Pictures of this Drive-in and the Great Neon Marquee Lit at Night!.. It was a Showcase, Drive-In during it’s Time ! How, We could use it Now, in 2020 with the Corona Virus !