Comments from jsm12212003

Showing 3 comments

jsm12212003 commented about Palladium Times Square on Jul 10, 2004 at 6:25 pm

at this point, no. it looks like they are going to keep Spider Man 2 and drain every cent out of theatergoers who love the series until they close their doors forever on 8/5

jsm12212003 commented about Loews State 4 on Jul 9, 2004 at 10:05 pm

The Loews State theater is due to close its door 1 year after the Loews Astor Plaza, which closes in three weeks August 5, 2004.
So by next August Loews Stste will be gone forever.

jsm12212003 commented about Palladium Times Square on Jul 9, 2004 at 9:59 pm

August 5th is the official date of the closing of this theater the Loews Astor Plaza, my fiancee is on the management team there so this has been common knowledge for awhile…..unfortunately, the Loews State will follow in August 2005 when their lease is up with Bertelsmann (BMG parent) and thats it…Virgin Megastore will probably expand to 4 levels from its current 3 and thats it