Comments from jserf

Showing 3 comments

jserf commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Nov 16, 2008 at 9:08 am

That NY Times article is a nice piece of propaganda for FOL but not entirely accurate.

The bird shit is still all over the upstairs the last time a volunteer who I know there let me in to see the room. I was even greeted by a dead pigeon on the floor. Charming!

Plaster damage seems to get worse everytime I’m at the Loew’s. That is unacceptable.

The “soft focus” as expressed above is, no offense, a load of bull being offered to people who are dumb enough to believe it. I’ve seen the same prints in NYC and they looked nice and sharp there.

Also, my volunteer friend tells me the marquee was restored for a commercial shoot but the company shooting, NOT by FOL. They should not be taking credit for other peoples' work!

jserf commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Oct 21, 2008 at 4:28 pm

Talk about the best Groucho Marx impersonation I’ve ever seen!

jserf commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Oct 14, 2008 at 9:16 am

The good comments about the “Flesh and the Devil” show surprise me! What ARE you guys talking about? “Good projection”?

I went to Loew’s Jersey for the first time in a while for that show and the projection STUNK as it usually does! Always out of focus, always bad adjustment on the lamp houses,and lord help you if it’s in widescreen- always out of frame!

One time, I remember they ran “Ben Hur”, with almost EVERY reel change out of frame. How embarrassing! Doesn’t the staff even care?

I’m not a professional projectionist, but I think it’s time the Loew’s got a new projectionist staff.

Suffern is a great place to see a film, and I’d like to shake the projectionist’s hand there for such a great job, but it’s so gosh darn hard to get to from NYC.

On the up side, Dennis James played well though and the film was very good.