Comments from josie105

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josie105 commented about Liberty Theatre on May 1, 2006 at 5:22 pm

During the fifties and sixties we kids loved the Saturday afternoon shows with Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin. I remember walking by marquee’s announcing the latest movie by Doris Day or Elizabeth Taylor. It’s the place where I first saw “Song of Bernadette” and I wanted to be a nun-saint that very night…. One time around 1962 I saw a “hand-out” in the lobby asking patrons to help put a stop the “terrible” idea of pay-TV called cable. The gloom and doom prediction saw an end to the film industry. lol

josie105 commented about Strand Theatre on May 1, 2006 at 5:14 pm

I had many good times at the Strand Theater back in the fifties and sixties. I remember the female manager Ann and the Thanksgiving movie special, where the price of admission was a can of food for the poor. I remember the cartoons prior to the movie… My favorite time was standing hours in line with other fans for the special Beatles ticket for the opening of “Hard Days Night.” I didn’t think I could afford the fifty cents admission, but it was the Beatles, so I managed to cough it up. I seem to remember a balcony, and the screaming was so loud during “Hard Days Night,”, no one could hear the dialogue, which at the time didn’t matter much. lol lol lol

josie105 commented about Paramount Theatre on May 1, 2006 at 5:04 pm

I remember the Plainfield Paramount theater very well. Back in 1960 when I was a young girl, sometimes my mother would take me there to see old Jeanette MacDonald, Nelson Eddy movies. The theatre was a sea of deep red velvet, yellow-gold sculptures and edgings, and heavily emphasized a by-gone era. I thought it might have once been a place for live acts and first-run movies. How magical it all looked. I remember feeling so sad that entire area was torn down to make way for the “Madison-Park” renewal project, a euphemism for parking lots, then some sort of “mini-park-like” setting in a now-unsafe neighborhood.