Comments from johnvandyke

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johnvandyke commented about Majestic Theatre on May 7, 2007 at 8:47 pm

go to for the Ottawa-Streator Times-Press newspaper. Go to the Archives to search back-issue stories. Enter “majestic theater streator”. Read the article posted on-line on 04-25-07. This theater was scheduled for renovation with a re-opening set for either May 4 or 11, 2007. New seats, screens, upgraded sound system, paint. (John Van Dyke, Tallahassee, FL)

johnvandyke commented about Blackstone Theatre on Apr 30, 2007 at 2:24 pm

Now age 71, I was raised in Dwight, Illinois and worked for the Blackstone Theater on West Main Street for three years, 1951 – 1954, including as second projectionist. From my 1953 IRS withholding statement, this theater was owned by Arthur B. & Leigh McCollum, McCollum Theater Circuit, 510 Willdon Bldg., Hoopeston, Illinois. You list theater seating as 500 but I remember seating closer to 450 including a balcony. We ran four different movies a week, Sunday/Monday, Tuesday/Wednesday, Thursday/Friday, and Saturday. Sunday 2 – 11 PM, Monday through Saturday, twice from 7 PM, and a single Saturday afternoon showing at 2 PM. A money giveaway drawing
“buck night) was every Wednesday between the two showings. Cooling used cold well water. Heating used steam from the central West Main Street heating plant that also serviced the adjacent Veteran’s Hospital. During my employment, the local managers were Mr/Mrs Calvin. Mr. Calvin died in Dwight in September, 1954. The local First National Bank drive-through lane and parking lot now occupies this real estate. John Van Dyke, Tallahassee, FL.