Comments from JohnLSchmidt

Showing 2 comments

JohnLSchmidt commented about Mainstreet KC at the Power & Light District on Mar 23, 2005 at 5:43 pm

In the mid ‘60’s, I worked for Durwood Theaters as an assistant manager of the Empire. One of the ushers was a young man named Richard Rivas who was a very good artist. He gave me a charcoal sketch about 14x20 which I still have. If there is a place in Kansas City where this could be preserved as part of the theater heritage of downtown, I would consider donating it. By the way, does anyone know Richard Rivas or his whereabouts? It would be good to visit with him some forty years later.

JohnLSchmidt commented about Midwest Theater on Mar 6, 2003 at 3:18 pm

I was trilled to learn of the efforts to keep the Midwest afloat. When I was a child growing up in Bridgeport, my father owned the Trail Theatre, now demolished. The Midwest was always the crown jewel of the panhandle theatres. I remember well the days of it’s manager, Bill Boston and the smoky billiard hall in the basement. Great memories of a classic theatre. I always thought it was sad after Ostenberg sold it to Commonwealth. They removed the huge Stong “Mighty 90’s” arc lamps and replaced them with smaller units. They also moved the Box Office from it’s original location. I hope the glass from the original is still around and can be reinstalled.