Comments from JohnFitzgerald

Showing 4 comments

JohnFitzgerald commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jan 17, 2007 at 5:54 pm

wonderful pictures!!! I’m glad to see that all of you love this treasure as much as I.As you are aware Flushing has changed from the way we remember it. It is really important that this building be restored so the present residents know what the how beautiful the old Flushing was. The damage that has been done is heartbreaking. How many of us saw their first movie there ? how many saw the live show’s there ? How many people had their high school graducations in that Building. This treasure has been a very important partof all of our lives. I’m sure the present residents, when they pass, wonder what magic is inside. Well all they need to do is read the recent post here and look at the pictures.
If they do they will realize how important the keith’s is to us and them.

JohnFitzgerald commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Dec 26, 2006 at 7:25 pm

happy holiday’s to all. The politicans in queens all suck.they have no respect for any historic buildings.In brooklyn the boro president is leading the effort to save the kings, where is the queen’s boro president. in regard to saving the keith’s. with the exception of
all the wonderful posters on this web site,is anyone doing anything to save this historic site? this disgrace has been going on for over 20 years. this building must be saved.I ask someone like donald trump,please become involved. this is too important a building to lose.If we lose the keith’s we lose Queens. what a crime that would be.
bty whatever moron sold this landmark in 1986 should rot in hell.
happy new year!!!

JohnFitzgerald commented about Rialto Theatre on Sep 15, 2005 at 2:23 pm

This is the first movie theatre I remember going to. I guess I was about 6 years old (around 1956) and I went with my older brother. I remember seeing Gung Ho with randolph scott and movies with the east side kids. I also remember seeing Love Me Tender with Elvis, which back in those days was a big deal. This theatre was always called the itch by the locals The unusual location, it was in the middle of a residential block, I suppose added to its demise..I’m not sure when it closed but it must have been around 1957 or 1958.When the rialto closed the building was purchased by a Jewish congregation an became Temple Hillel. In 1966 it was purchased by the dwarf giraffe athletic league who still own and run it today. The theater floor was gutted and the room converted into a gymnasium and basketball court.If you pass the building today it does not look like it was ever a theatre.

JohnFitzgerald commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jul 20, 2005 at 5:28 pm

to Warren
the pictures of the lobby and the exterior were great!
If you can locate any more pictures please post them.
this was my neighborhood theater when i was growing up
as it was magnificent. shame on all who had a part in destroying this jewel. once again Warren, thank you.