Comments from JohnBrenneman

Showing 2 comments

JohnBrenneman commented about Hippodrome Theater on Dec 21, 2006 at 6:50 pm

The bldg was razed in 1956

JohnBrenneman commented about Hollywood Theater on Dec 21, 2006 at 6:01 pm

My Great-Grandfather, Philip R Brenneman opened the Hollywood in 1916 as the American Theater. It was the 1ST Fireproof Bldg built in Pottsville after virtually the entire block it was built on had been destroyed by fire in the early teens. It’s capacity was reduced to 900 seats after the stage was enlarged to accomodate motion pictures. There was a center isle with about 8 seats/side, due to the narrowness of the bldg. The Dance Hall’s popularity died after the elevator was taken out of the bldg to enlarge the lobby area of the theater. There was a balcony which sat about 100. The marquee was changed out in the early ‘30s to its more colorful art deco design.