Comments from Joe_R

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Joe_R commented about New Laurel Theater on Oct 29, 2017 at 5:52 pm

It was a wonderful experience working there as an usher in 1950 and 1951. Mr Tom Sumners was the manager.

The hard work was carrying 100 Lb sacks of popcorn from the storage room to the concession stand, but it gave a chance to smile at the pretty girl there.

Sometimes we carried the film canisters to the projection booth from the delivery truck outside. I was always awestruck by the brightness and loud crackling sound of the arc in the projectors.

The main job was showing people to good seats, doing it quietly and holding the flashlight down low so as not to disturb other people.

I got “promoted to assistant treasurer” which meant that I totaled up the day’s cash and wrote it in the book at the end of the day. Mr Sumners then put the cash in the safe to go to the bank.

My pay was 50 cents per hour.

We met lots of different types of people, coming and going, and we saw many great movies. We saw them dozens of times each, so we got to know them well. I especially remember “Showboat” and “The Tales of Hoffman”, superb dramas and wonderful, powerful music.

I was in the lobby when two Catholic priests had a discussion with Mr Sumners about “Showboat”, remarking that Ava Gardner’s blouse was too low in front.

One time there was a delay in the film truck arriving with the first movie for a double feature, so I had to go up on stage and make a brief announcement to the audience — that the second movie would come in front of the first movie, and the first movie would come after the second movie. Perhaps I got that right, but I was nervous in my first time speaking to a large audience.

What a superb experience for a young kid, growing up.