Comments from jkaufman

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jkaufman commented about Charles Cinema on Dec 1, 2013 at 4:01 pm

just a refresher on the Star Wars opening in Boston spring 1977. I was working at the MGH, and the department of surgery there had a full-time photographer. he was friendly with the projectionist at the Charles and saw the opening of Star Wars with him. the film broke, and as part of the repair, our photographer came away with a still frame showing darth vader. he showed that to the resident surgeon staff and gave the movie rave reviews. we signed out our clinical duties the next day and took in the matinee, where the theater was only 1/3 full, and the audience was jumping off the seats. the movie was a “sleeper” and had scant advance notice. by two days later, with hugely favorable reviews, the lines were around the block!