Comments from JimSmith

Showing 2 comments

JimSmith commented about Hi-Pointe Theater on May 1, 2008 at 11:37 pm

I guess we’ll watch for bigger and better things at the Hi-Pointe soon!

JimSmith commented about Hi-Pointe looking for new management on May 1, 2008 at 11:01 pm

I think the problem here is that Landmark gave up on the bookings at the Hi-Pointe. The past two years of films there have been awful. Films were held too long and were often moved over from the Tivoli, less than two miles away. What sense does that make?

I hear the new management is quickly working to establish booking. The owner of the theatre is very supportive of the theatre, so I look for the next years to be much better than those of Landmark.