Comments from jimcleary

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jimcleary commented about ABC New Street on Apr 11, 2016 at 2:12 am

Yes Dennis, my dad was Irish. He was in his 30’s when he worked at the Forum. He left to work at Aston University in the visual aids department where he stayed until his death in 1971. He worked in a few cinemas in his time. I too remember the Becon cinema on Scott Arms. I loved going there, it was beautiful, a crime to knock it down.

jimcleary commented about ABC New Street on Nov 8, 2015 at 12:32 am

Hi Dennis. My mom was an usherette but I don’t know if my dad was a 2nd or 3rd projectionist. Dad left the Forum around the time you started in 1964. Mom left 1n 1960, she remembers them as happy times. I read, on previous comments of yours, that you met your wife at the Forum.

jimcleary commented about ABC New Street on Nov 2, 2015 at 1:30 am

My parent’s, Jim Cleary and Rose Wareing, met while working at the Forum in the late 1950’s. They knew George Mottram who mom tells me they called Chief. They also knew Larry French and mom recalls a man named Ray Malin. Mr Simmons was the manager. She remembers the cinema showing Carry On Constable and The Journey. She was there when they had the first booking picture for 3 months which was Gigi. She was happy there and remembers Chief with affection. I met George’s grandson, Carla’s brother, in the 1970’s and remember talking about his grandpa and my parents working together.