Comments from jerryheifner

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jerryheifner commented about Granada Theatre on Oct 22, 2009 at 11:01 am

I was a seven-year-old kid in 1949 living in Wilmington CA. Every Saturday, weather permitting, my parents allowed me to walk to the Granada Theater with my buddies to see the Serial movies and cartoons. We were constantly getting into trouble sneaking into the balcony and throwing chewed Jujubes and spit-wads at the kids below! More than once the Theater manager called our parents to come and get us. The most memorable event of a day at the Granada was to flatten the popcorn boxes and throw them like todays Frisbee and see who could cast a shadow on the screen for the longest time. Another version of this game was to see who could deposit a flat popcorn box on one of the two small balconies on either side of the stage under the fancy grille-work. I could never have imagined what was behind that grille-work. Little did I know I would spend thousands of future hours over my adult lifetime lovingly restoring, repairing and owning wonderful Theatre Pipe Organs! Pipe Organs and old movie theatres have been my passion for many years and it all sort of started at the Wilmington Granada! Anyone know what happened to the Granada Organ?