Comments from jack15

Showing 3 comments

jack15 commented about Ridgewood Amusement Palace on Jun 4, 2009 at 7:32 pm

There could have been gap between the time they tore down the theater and the time they built the homes currently on the site. I don’t think so but again, there’s that rapidly fading memory…

jack15 commented about Ridgewood Amusement Palace on May 15, 2009 at 12:21 pm

This site was never an empty lot except maybe for a short time when the new homes went up (late 90s early 00s). The closest thing to an empty lot was the property to the west of the the theater. This was an open yard behind a 10-12 foot solid grey metal fence. I think it was used for parking trucks. We used to play fast pitch stickball there and sometime had to go over ther fence to retreive a ball. If my rapidly fading memory recalls, we would have to climb over the fence but would come out through a door in the fence, unlocking it from the inside.

Rumor always had it that the building on the corner, always a knitting mill during my lifetime, was at onetime a theater. After the knitting mill closed they started tearing the building down. The siding came off to reveal an old sign clearly identifying the building as a theater. Unfortunately I don’t remember the exact name.

jack15 commented about Oasis Theatre on May 15, 2009 at 10:13 am

Some things I remember about the Oasis:
1) The water fountain in the lobby
2) The scary bathrooms downstairs
3) The Pez candy dispensers on sale at the snack counter
4) The Long Island Press depot around back. (I was a paperboy)
5) The Fresh Pond Inn (Chinese food)
6) The Italian place where Aunt Bella’s is now. (I think it was called Louis’s or something like that)
7) The used book store next to the Italian place.