Comments from Isaiah4031

Showing 2 comments

Isaiah4031 commented about Cinemann Cinema III on Jul 17, 2011 at 9:26 pm

Hey Mr Fowler.. Hope things work out and you re open it. Keep us updated :)

Isaiah4031 commented about Joy's Cinema City 6 on Jul 17, 2011 at 9:21 pm

I used to go to this movie theature all the time.. There were an few times Bo Bo the magician would come out and do an show before the movie..

I was sad to see it burn down..

TFolwer, not sure if ya will see this but I hope you do reopen the one on hwy 59.. You posted this about 2 yrs ago and I hope things are going well.. Last time I heard it was being re-done.. Keep us updated :)