Comments from Impumag

Showing 3 comments

Impumag commented about Eagle Rock Plaza 4 on Jan 16, 2016 at 12:50 pm

Yeah it was on the 1st floor I had my 1st kiss there wow weird. Oh and to Joe W the janitor took the money it was an opportunity not planned he happen to see it in the bag with the zipper and everyone knows what a money bag looks like. He didn’t think it was really the money because it was so packed but he looked and there it was. He waited there which I’m sure seemed like 10 years and he no doubt was sweating with a heartbeat he can see through his shirt. For a while he stood there contemplating what to do and thinking someone just might walk in at that moment. He wanted to just take it and run. The manager went to the restroom for a long time apparently. So he finally threw it in the trash with wheels he used while working and rolled it away and proceeded to keep working and look as normal as possible. When the cops got there he already hid it in a safe place but they never even batted an eye his way. Later he went home when it was time then came back at 2 am and got the loot. Cameras were available this is what happens to cheap skate owners and careless managers. Sad but true there are scumbag people everywhere and you’d never know it no matter how good you think you know them. Case: ~SOLVED~

Impumag commented about Vogue Theatre on Jan 18, 2015 at 9:30 am

@PDDET LOL You tell them cause that is so true there was never a damn Fritz there glad I saw this now I can tell people I told you!! LOL

Impumag commented about Vogue Theatre on Jan 18, 2015 at 9:27 am

Born and raised here and I can’t believe the tree comments LMAO I thought I was the only person very annoyed by them wow! As for this place like everything else here has turned to garbage!