Comments from hschulsinger

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hschulsinger commented about Sutter Theatre on Dec 26, 2005 at 2:35 am

I patronized the Sutter theater during the late 40s, early 50s. The Saturday matinee was 12¢ and they showed 2 feature films and several cartoons and serials. I was a student at Winthrop JHS (PS 232) at the time, and the Sutter theater was, as I recall, a short walk from the school, and an even shorter walk to the Sutter Ave – Rutland Rd station of the IRT New Lots line. Everything seemed like a ‘short’ walk then because we were young and none of us had a car, so it was shanks mare everywhere. Although I’ve been back to New York several times since my departure in 1960, I have never been back to that neighborhood. However, I have heard that the character of the area has changed completely and not for the better.