Comments from HOUNDDAWG

Showing 2 comments

HOUNDDAWG commented about Willard Theatre on Nov 30, 2014 at 11:24 am

The theater was adjacent to the intersection of Tidewater Drive and Lafayette Blvd. The building in the deep background is the Lafayette Presbyterian Church.

The only time I ever saw my Dad “under the weather” was the night he forgot to pick my brother and I up at this theater. (One of the young ushers was kind enough to drive us home) When Dad finally came stumbling in the house it was obvious why he didn’t usually drink-he couldn’t hold his liquor. (A few drinks with a friend and he forgot he was married with children!)

HOUNDDAWG commented about Riverview Theatre on Nov 30, 2014 at 11:05 am

My dear, departed mother went to The Riverview every week when possible to see THE SOUND OF MUSIC for over 120 viewings. (She sometimes watched it twice the same day)

I’ll always remember how she seemed to float each time she exited the theater.