Comments from hipdaisy

Showing 3 comments

hipdaisy commented about Theaters Wanted on Jul 25, 2006 at 4:30 pm

The Baronet theatre in Asbury PArk, New jersey…


hipdaisy commented about Baronet Theatre on Jul 25, 2006 at 4:28 pm

what will all these tourists and residents do for entertainment if there is none….NO music, no theatre, no bowling, no stone pony????
What are these developers thinking? What is happening to the american dream, to the dream being close to home. Why do we have to leave our home to find good entertainment! Historic grounds!YOu tear out all the entertainment what is there left to do….why must you build so many homes, and leave the people with nothing to do. Having the soul of art and music around you is what makes the your “once lived life” worthy of living..fullfilled with good music good food and beauty of art. Please dont tear down the heart of kids deserve to see what once was could still be, and be even better!
PLEASE KEEP THE PAST CLOSE TO WHAT AMERICA and ASBURY REALLY STANDs FOR…a starting place for everyone to dream and succeed

hipdaisy commented about Know someone who can refurbish marquees and ticket booths? on Jul 25, 2006 at 4:25 pm

I have a good name for you.

Bart Amato
Builders Preservation Society
has worked in new england reburbishing old houses, its his speciality..he is amaster builder and preservationists!