Comments from gunboy3

Showing 2 comments

gunboy3 commented about Circle Theatre on Oct 3, 2008 at 10:55 am

With all due respect to rivjr, there was many a matinee that was sparsely attended. Remember “WR Mysteries of the Organism”? Who showed up for that one?
That aside, it was a wonderful, funky place to see several different double features a week. And boy did I
Remember the clock, with its glowing blue face over the exit?

gunboy3 commented about Newton Theatre on Aug 30, 2008 at 1:55 pm

I worked there as a teen in the mid-late seventies when a neighborhood group invested some dough into the place. Too bad, it was bad that the timing was all wrong. Big, single screen theatres were a money pit. The management was not too good either. I recall that a used bookstore was in business in the lobby in an effort to stave off the cash drain. Cool place for a while. I did have a pic once, long gone though