Comments from Grungy

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Grungy commented about Wantagh Theatre on Aug 7, 2006 at 6:46 pm

I rode my bike past this theater every day on my way to school, from the D-section to St. Frances.
There was a tiny cut through the curb into the theater’s parking lot from the one-house appendix of a street that hangs off the south side of Duckpond Dr. South. We’d ride through that cut in the curb. I remember seeing “Planet of the Apes” and “Sands of the Kalahari” there. Those are the only two that stand out, but I know I saw more there. I vaguely recall some kind of live entertainment down front at one show, but I can’t remember what it was or what the movie was. I also remember the other theater, near the paint store on Wantagh Avenue, closer to the LIRR. The last thing I saw there was “Up the Sandbox”, with Barbara Streisand, in ‘73.