Comments from Gogo

Showing 7 comments

Gogo commented about Alameda Theatre on Oct 28, 2005 at 1:00 pm

Wow what beautiful pictures! I had no idea it was in such good condition even in the 70’s. It’s hard to imagine how something so gorgeous can deteriorate so quickly.

Gogo commented about Alameda Theatre on May 9, 2005 at 3:04 pm

>>Then I looked more closely and realized that the new theater was smothered next to the huge multiplex.>>

Oops make that, the old theater was smothered by the multiplex.

Gogo commented about Alameda Theatre on May 9, 2005 at 3:01 pm

No kidding! I saw the illustration and nearly had a heart attack. It looked as though they demolished the theater. Then I looked more closely and realized that the new theater was smothered next to the huge multiplex. The old movie palace should definitely remain the focal point of that area. To our town’s dismay, it’s been shown that the powers that be are lacking in the visual aeshtetics department. We need designer on board!

Unfortunately, I think the city feels that revenue from a multiplex with leaseable store fronts is the only way that they can pay for such a project. I’m also a bit concerned with all the traffic and safety issues that come along with a multiplex. Anyway you look at it, it is a double edged sword.

Gogo commented about Alameda Theatre on May 9, 2005 at 2:28 pm

I read some great news in the Alameda Journal just the other day. The city just approved plans for rennovating the theater!! From what I gather, they are planning to restore the theater and then construct a 2 story multiplex adjacent to it. There are also plans for building a parking structure. Can’t wait!

Gogo commented about Auctions by the Bay on May 4, 2005 at 4:18 pm

I loved going to this theater. Absolutely great movie line up and a gorgeous interior to boot. Unfortunately it didn’t last very long. About 1 year maybe? I think the problem was the lack of advertising. Really the only way that one would’ve heard about the theater was by attending the auctions (the theater’s primary function) or by going to the monthly Alameda antique fair. I think more exposure in local “free” papers such as East Bay Express or the Guardian would’ve helped substantially.

In addition, the exterior of the building was somewhat nondescript. The Alameda Navy base is fairly large and with so many deserted looking structures, the theater wasn’t the easiest thing to find.

It’s a shame because the only other theater in the San Francsico Bay Area that shows classic movies is the Stanford in Palo Alto.

Gogo commented about Alameda Theatre on May 4, 2005 at 3:51 pm

By the looks of it, business on Park Street seems to be gaining momentum. New shops and restaurants seem to be popping up all over the place— there’s even a [gasp] Starbucks and a Peet’s coffee situated across the street from each other— big surprise. This factor in addition to the new huge housing development by the Webster tunnel will hopefully mean that restoration of the old theater will become a reality.

Gogo commented about Park Theater For Sale on May 4, 2005 at 3:39 pm

Nooo not the Park Theater too! Didn’t Renaissance Rialto also operate Movies By the Bay in the old Alameda navy base? That was a great theater that featured only classic movies.

I hope the Orinda won’t be next. It is my all time favorite theater in the SF bay area.