Comments from Godzilla

Showing 4 comments

Godzilla commented about Redwood Drive-In on Jan 6, 2025 at 6:27 pm

This drive in was my favorite! Before I could drive I would make my mom take me and as I got older it was a fun hangout for me and my friends and my Convertible VW Beetle!

Godzilla commented about Laurel Theatre on Jan 6, 2025 at 6:20 pm

I worked at this theatre and it is where I learned to be a projectionist. I worked there when Michael Thomas and three others (Andy, Hilary and Tim) bought the theatre and began running a repertory program. The place was also rather scary all alone at night.

Godzilla commented about Belmont Cinemas Three on Mar 10, 2015 at 11:53 am

Memories. My dad was one of the construction workers when The Bel-Art was added.

Godzilla commented about Fox Theatre on Mar 10, 2015 at 11:48 am

Like another member here, I too grew up on The Peninsula watching films at The Fox, The Laurel and The Carlos and The Manor before it turned into a porno theater. As an adult I had the priviledge to work in many theaters including the Fox and the Laurel. I was the manager/projectionist when The Fox finally closed it doors to showing films. If my memory serves me, FAME was the last film we showed that night.