Comments from GlenCarr

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GlenCarr commented about Texas Theatre on Jul 25, 2006 at 5:26 pm

The Texas Theatre was sold June 12-2006 to a man in San Antonio Texas
he alredy has started restoration on it. The Remodeling that was done in the 1940.s and 50’s has ben removed and the building is being restored back to its orignal decor from the late 1920’s,when it open..Part of the front will remain as in 1940’s-1950’s [Marquee and the map on top front].. The Marquee should have some of the beautiful lighting in operation very soon. San Angelo should be very proud of this man, it takes alot of money.time and most of all patience.. the web page is From the new owner
Thanks for all the nice comments-e-mails and phone calls.