Comments from GersilNKay

Showing 2 comments

GersilNKay commented about Revival for Yeadon Theater Remains Elusive on Jan 13, 2004 at 10:50 pm

A fine preservation architect was contacted September, 2003, but not still engaged to do a study for recyling recommendations. The Pennsylvania Museum & Historic Commission was also not contacted. There seem to be serious administrative delays that have not even put a tarpaulin covering the open rear wall that was demolished. Estimates for funding can be made once suggested new uses for the property are decided.
In the meantime, the $100,000 obtained for demolition ought to be used for more positive action.
Many knowledgeable groups are willing and anxious to help reuse this 1000-seat Art Deco treasure to revive the neighborhood.

Gersil N. Kay, Building Conservation International

GersilNKay commented about Revival for Yeadon Theater Remains Elusive on Jan 9, 2004 at 9:03 pm

Just before Labor Day, 2003, Building Conservation International(BCI) convinced the council to delay demolition until a new use was decided upon for the building. Preservation specialists were sent to the site to guide the council on what to do.
Even so, the back wall was demolished. Stabilization is necessary immediately to mitigate further damage to the interior.

Please advise update. The Philadelphia Inquirer is very interested in a story.

Please contact Gersil N. Kay, BCI, at 215 568 0923 or FAX 215 568 4572.