Comments from FrankCunning

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FrankCunning commented about RKO Proctor's Quad on Aug 6, 2005 at 3:53 pm

595 Main St was known in the 50/60/70s as Loew’s New Rochelle with a theatre design (small balcony) unlike most of the other Loew’s properties in Metro New York. Frank C.

FrankCunning commented about RKO Proctor's Quad on Feb 26, 2005 at 9:14 pm

Proctor’s New Rochelle had a very wide proscenium and the wide screen presentations were dazzlng. Frank Cunning.

FrankCunning commented about Brookhaven Theater on Feb 26, 2005 at 8:35 pm

I worked at Brookhaven part hours and the giant screen with three speaker systems behind created a fine presentation. Frank Cunning.

FrankCunning commented about RKO Proctor's Theatre on Feb 25, 2005 at 7:46 pm

Loews wonderful venue became a municipal parking ramp in late 60’s.They maintained a peculiar screen arrangement until well into the 1940s. The stage was high, wide and deep but the screen was small, old fashioned round corners and set stage deep in a setting of stage right high windows and stage left “sofas”. When wide screen came in though their auto screen mask changes made very impressive effects. Frank Cunning.