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Comments from Foxonian

Showing 4 comments

Foxonian commented about Showcase Cinemas 16-19 on Dec 20, 2016 at 7:48 pm

I remember going to see “Close Encounters of The Third Kind” in ‘77 back when it was still the Sack Palace.

Foxonian commented about Greenfield Cinema 6 on Dec 20, 2016 at 6:35 pm

Went to see a film at the Greenfield 6 in the mid-90’s when it was part of the Hoyt’s cimema chain.Still recall the large water stain on the celing tiles of the theatre I was in.

Foxonian commented about Hadley Drive-In on Dec 20, 2016 at 6:14 pm

I think the thing that really did in the Hadley Drive In was when they converted their sound system from car speakers to an FM radio frequency.Hate to tell you how many cars parked across the street in the Mutual Hardware parking lot,tuned in the frequency on their car radio and saw the movie for free since the drive in never put up any kind of fence to block the screen from the highway.

Foxonian commented about Springfield Plaza Cinemas on Dec 20, 2016 at 5:35 pm

I noticed that the Kingsgate Plaza Jerry Lewis Twin Cinema from Northampton Ma. isn’t on this list.It closed back in the early 70’s,stayed vacant for most of the 70’s into the 80’s then was torn down for a local supermarket expansion.