Comments from fotonomous

Showing 6 comments

fotonomous commented about Century Plaza Cinemas on Mar 4, 2009 at 4:15 pm

i don’t think the issue with the movie theater was lack of parking – it was that the parking at the abc entertainment complex was pricey during the day. for a long time the century city mall parking was free (and then after that i think just a dollar for something like 4 hours parking) – so of course those of us that didn’t want to spend the extra $, just walked over from one mall to another.

don, i don’t know if the LM you are referring to is me or Lost Memory? if it’s me – i grew up in the valley and west hollywood and currently live in encino. pretty much any movie theater in the valley is a cinch to park at (and totally free) compared to anything “over the hill” in the city. but lack of parking doesn’t seem to stop people from going to the cheapie or independent theaters around town (the fairfax springs to mind).

fotonomous commented about Century Plaza Cinemas on Feb 25, 2009 at 7:58 pm

Wow somebody is grumpy. I too used to walk from the Century City mall over to the theater. I was pretty good at shortcuts – I could weave my way through the underground parking structure and come out and the perfect place above ground. It definitely was part of the experience :–)

fotonomous commented about Century Plaza Cinemas on May 1, 2008 at 5:27 pm

well maybe i saw the reissue there. maybe it was my second time seeing it. i dont know. i have a good memory but i was 10 or 11 so i can’t say i recall every little detail. i do know i saw it there. so if it was 1981 vs 1980 no big deal.

fotonomous commented about Century Plaza Cinemas on May 1, 2008 at 5:05 pm

i didn’t see the film in the large theater so i don’t think it was 70mm. and i know i didn’t wait a year to go see empire strikes back – i was too big a star wars fan for that.

fotonomous commented about Century Plaza Cinemas on May 1, 2008 at 4:27 pm

empire strikes back regular engagement – a matinee, probably midweek. i don’t recall too many people in there.

fotonomous commented about Century Plaza Cinemas on May 1, 2008 at 4:12 pm

i saw many movies at the plitt as a kid growing up in l.a. and then later as a film critic going to press screenings. but the highlight of my cinematic experiences going to the plitt was seeing the empire strikes back in 1980 with my aunt lisa. empire strikes back was my favorite of the original trilogy and the magic of seeing it at the plit is ingrained in my mind. the main theater was really luxurious and really exceptional for seeing any of the old widescreen/cinemascope epics. i saw lawrence of arabia and the sound of music there in revival. i also recall seeing playboy bunnies in full bunny regalia walking around the century plaza property (there was a playboy club there), seeing mohammed ali and larry holmes box an exhibition match in the center of the courtyard, and seeing my first play/musical – annie – at the shubert. it was quite shocking to drive by the site a year or two ago and see it was completely demolished and new building had begun. ahhhh, memories.