Comments from filmo

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filmo commented about Capitol Theatre on Jun 19, 2006 at 10:36 pm

I enjoyed a few good movies in both halves of the Capitol Theatre and always while waiting for the feature to start wondered to myself how grand the theatre must have looked when it it was a whole and a single theatre with its ornate plaster ceiling, balconies, and plush lobby. When they tore down the building one of the theatre’s secrets was revealed to me. The curved facade of the building was produced by one single three feet thick I-beam bent to a curve—very impressive iron work. The theatre was torn down because the greedy Crown Life corporation wanted a head office on the corner, when plenty of other similar sized lots were available at the time. They destroyed a piece of history and then left town about four years later—hell is to good of a place for the likes of them. Regina save your Cinema Six drive-in !!!