Comments from FilmFun

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FilmFun commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Jul 23, 2004 at 3:28 pm

“Peter” means rock, or stone, I think? I’ve heard also “Pedro” or “Pietro/Piedro”? or similar; nice. I always loved that name!

Great shot of the Selinger’s sign on that link, thanks! Nice view of the “M” train. I’ve forgotten how those older trains were like; I remember they were hot in summer and sometimes broken doors that were precariously never closed.

My parents' house is closer to Wyckoff Ave. I don’t want to say exactly who my parents are (heck, I think we used to be nutty, heh), but I think I can mention it’s one of the houses from say 1640-1646? On the same side as the tree, when it was still there. The Greek guy: You’re right, I forgot I used to see him coming down the block with his cart. His brother owned the Bank Restaurant? … do you mean the new “Red Bank” Restaurant or something? I’ve met two of the different managers (I think they are managers?) named Sammy and George? I thought they are Egyptian, though?

A Bruce Lee double billing on Nov. 8 1980? Yowza! Your memory is impressive! But, btw, I think whatever I saw, I could almost be sure it was between 1974-1978, I think. I remember being younger, it was during the afternoon (I remember daylight coming out), and probably during warm weather (I don’t remember wearing a coat or anything). My family almost NEVER went to the movies (cheap) and, I think, that was maybe only one of two times we went to the Ridgewood.

Also, I wonder how old are you? I’m almost 39 (will be later this year). Do you want to email? If so, I’m at ; I try to check my email regularly, but sometimes only once every couple of days. Hotmail is kind of sucky, though, and I’ve been having problems lately. If I don’t respond within a couple of days, try and write me again? I’ve lost email unfortunately.

FilmFun commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Jul 22, 2004 at 6:00 pm

Just registered because I read Peter K.’s comments. My parents bought a house in 1970 on Cornelia St. between Cypress Avenue and Wyckoff Avenue, a couple of doors down from the house in the middle that used to have this big, floral tree (what was it, cherry blossoms or something? Fragrant, pretty tiny pink petals). Did you know the Greek hot dog guy in front of the bank on Myrtle Avenue, off Cornelia St.? We used to get hot dogs from him for $0.35 each in the 1970s. He now has a spot further Myrtle Avenue and Seneca Avenue. We went to P.S. 81Q, on 559 Cypress Avenue and Menahan St. We didn’t go to parochial school.

Ridgewood theatre: I remember dropping my ice cream from my cone walking by it one afternoon in the 1970s; I almost cried. Remembered watching a Bruce Lee double matinee there. It was $3.50 then, I think? Haven’t been to the theatre in about 15 years because of the hygiene and rowdiness, as well as the selection of the movies (action and related; not into that stuff anymore).

Madison St. & Myrtle Ave. furniture store: Has been a VG Nichols for a long time, but from roughly the 1970s until the late 1980s, it was a “Selingers” furniture store. The Selingers lived in Huntington, LI; I remember vaguely their son, Ross, who went to Pratt Institute. I think he’s a real estate broker, or something now. On the other corner on the same intersection, there used to be this little newspaper stand there, an older, slightly built fellow was there all the time. Royal Pizza across the street: I remember their pizza, have only had two slices there in the last 25+ years, mostly within the last two years. I don’t go by there, anymore. I remember the skinny, spindly son (I think he’s my age, maybe slightly younger?). He grew up, looks much taller and more muscular, but still a lean build.

I’m just amazed at the number of people from Ridgewood and the memories; I guess my age was as a kid there in the 1970s to early 1980s.