Comments from f13pt4rules

Showing 2 comments

f13pt4rules commented about UA Sheepshead Bay Stadium 14 on Jan 31, 2006 at 4:24 pm

It should be listed as now having 14 screens, and not the ten stated.

f13pt4rules commented about RKO Shore Road Theatre on Apr 3, 2005 at 1:26 pm

I worked here when it was The Wiz from May 1992-Oct 2002. In that time The Wiz took over the whole building. I worked upstairs, but they had a drop ceiling so I couldn’t see the original ceiling. Eventually, The Wiz closed in Oct 2002. The building stood closed until The Zone (former founder of The Wiz) opened in Nov 2003. I also worked there till they shut down in early 2004. They soon gutted out the whole building and now will house multiple retail stores on lower level. The first of which is a small Foot Locker that is situated in the center of the buliding.