Comments from ExtonJim

Showing 3 comments

ExtonJim commented about Marchwood Theater on Nov 2, 2013 at 11:58 am

This was originally a Jerry Lewis theater, but when that franchise died out, it started showing the X-rated stuff. The Lewis people made a big stink about it, if I remember. I lived in Exton from 1955 till 1973, then from 1977 to 1984, and lived just about a mile from Marchwood.

ExtonJim commented about Exton Twin on Nov 2, 2013 at 11:55 am

The Exton Cinema was NOT a Jerry Lewis theater – the Marchwood Theatre up the road about two miles was. Then when JL went bust, it turned to X-Rated stuff.

My younger brother worked at the Exton Cinema from opening day for about three years, and I got to see a lot of stuff for free. I remember seeing Steve McQueen’s LE MANS there, and a couple of westerns from back then, and a bunch of other stuff. Basically, if it came out between 1970 and 1974 and would have interested a 17-21 year old, I saw it… :)

ExtonJim commented about Exton Drive-In on Nov 2, 2013 at 11:50 am

I grew up in Exton during the 1950s and 60s – and spent a lot of time at this place, both as one of four kids my parents used to take here for movies during the summer, and as a kid running around the property. I knew the family that lived at the Rt 30 end of the long driveway, the Gannons – and my other buddies Steve Ashbridge and Ted Rogers lived within spitting distance, too. Speaking of spitting, Steve and I climbed up the back of the screen one summer day when I was about 12 or 13, and had fun spitting over the edge, as 12 year old boys are wont to do. Until the manager saw us up there and hollered at us to come down. Got in a bit of trouble..not too much, just enough to chasten both of us.