Comments from ex143IA

Showing 6 comments

ex143IA commented about Cinema 4 Center on Oct 11, 2010 at 8:06 am

Cholla, I was part of the Allen/Bill/John triumvirate in the 70’s.

ex143IA commented about Cypress Village Theatre on Mar 26, 2010 at 2:23 pm

Cerjda, I think I know who you are (John?)? I was one of the projectionists at the Cypress in the late 70’s. One comment about the “twinning” of this theatre. It was not exactly a 50/50 twinning, more like a 67/33 split. Smart move actually. The larger theatre had the standard two projector setup and the small had a three tier platter. I remember that when attendance in the large theatre’s flick started to fall off, the film was transferred to the small side, which started to sell out then.

It was a very attractive theatre, clean, excellent projection and sound equipment, and good management. Overall one of the best houses I worked in St. Louis.

ex143IA commented about Rio Theatre on Mar 26, 2010 at 2:17 pm

I spent many a Saturday at the Rio. One flick in particular that I remember was “Rodan”.

ex143IA commented about Cinema 4 Center on Mar 26, 2010 at 2:15 pm

I was one of the projectionists at C4C in the 70’s and I remember the flick “Earthquake” starring Charlton Heston that played. Prior to the run, Sensurrond equipment had to be installed which emitted low frequency sound waves which simulated earthquake vibrations as a special effect for the film. About two weeks into the run we heard this tremendous “bang” in the theatre and we shutdown the film, turned up the house lights and rushed into the theatre (I think it was #2). In the back row about two or three seats were totally destroyed from a falling cinderblock brick that fell. Thank goodness it was a matinee and the theatre was not filled. Someone could have been killed. Sensurrond did have a problem with this.

ex143IA commented about Ambassador Theatre on Feb 4, 2008 at 12:39 pm

Shame this beautiful theatre is gone forever. Saw Lawrence of Arabia & The Longest Day there as a youth, and as an adult worked there in the late 60’s & 70’s. Loved poking and roaming around the theatre between shows. Did this when they had a single run, first run and you had about 2 hours between shows. Crying shame it’s gone.

ex143IA commented about Cross Keys Cinema on Feb 4, 2008 at 12:32 pm

Chuck, I don’t think that the Lewis & Clark was similiar to Cross Keys. You’re correct about St. Ann and you should include St. Andrews in St.Charles. Cross Keys and the “Saints” could only project 35mm while L&C could project 35mm & 70mm. L&C’s equipment came from the closed Pageant