Chinese remodel during construction 7-22-13
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Uploaded on: July 22, 2013
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Taken by LA Historic Theatre Foundation photographer Wendell Benedetti www.lahtf.org
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Comments (3)
This ceiling design is very impressive as are walls. For another impressive chinese theatre interior one might check out the 5th Avenue Theatre in Seattle WA. Also restored to its original greatness. One of the most beautiful theatres in the world.
What’s done is done. I’m sad to see our heritage lost but at the same time I’m optimistic that this new design will carry on the tradition of first class presentation at one of our most beloved theaters.
I took a private tour a few days ago and I have been told this will be the only IMAX screen with masking that moves. So when you see a wide screen movie black masking will come down and come up from the bottom. No more boring white screen at the top and bottom. The screen will be 94 feet wide and 33ft something tall. They will have curtains that open and close also. Lets hope they bring back some color lights in the ceiling lights when the film is on. Glad they are not doing what they did across the street at Disney’s El Cap with Dolby Atmos. They wrecked the whole ceiling by installing hanging metal bars to hold up the new junky ceiling speakers. The only place you can hear them is in the balcony when the sound comes on in a Dolby Atmos mix. No one at Dolby thought that they needed to add some small speakers also under the El Cap balcony for people on the main floor to hear overhead sound. Now lets see what IMAX digital video movie will open up at the Graumans Chinese Hollywood in September.