Comments from dvcomo

Showing 2 comments

dvcomo commented about Seaview Theater on Jul 3, 2007 at 8:56 am

I disagree with some of the previous postings. The Seaview Theater was built in the mid-sixties, approximately 1967. I remember it being built – it was added to the existing strip of stores. It was an average size neighborhood theater, not a tiny one. I saw Star wars there, like the advertisement shows. It was very clean and well maintained as compared to the older Canarsie Theater, and it had a great sound system, especially for the midnight special rock movies(Alice Cooper – Welcome to My Nightmare, for one) when they would really crank it up! It was a fun time, with all of the neighborhood teens getting together for a night out.

dvcomo commented about Canarsie Theater on Dec 9, 2004 at 12:37 pm

I started going to the Canarsie Theater in the early 1960’s. There were elderly ladies called “Matrons” who carried flashlights and tried to keep the kids in order. It was a fairly large theater with a very wide screen and a deep bass sound system, which was impressive, considering that Canarsie was a small town in Brooklyn back then. It was the entertainment center of the neighborhood and everyone went, realizing there were no VCR’s or cable TV at the time.