Comments from djvigil

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djvigil commented about Big Sky Drive-In on Dec 18, 2017 at 10:14 am

A couple of notes for the comments above. The burger place across the street next to the Mini Golf (remember the giant golfer?) was called Chuck Burger. When BigSky was demolished it was a Gemco (Not Fedco) and a shopping center that replaced it. Target is there now and so is the shopping center. One of the last movies to play there was Superman III. I remember because after it closed down for more than a year the signage was still there for that movie. I lived across the street adjacent to Northview Middle School (also demolished and moved for car dealerships and now where CarMax resides). Cool note. In our porch there was a phone on the outside with no way to call out. You could only receive calls. At night when the movie played you could see about 80% of the screen from my porch (Darn eucalyptus trees covered the lower 20%) and you could hear the movie playing on the receiver that was in the porch. Not sure if that is how it was set up from the prior owners or if it was just luck. I miss those simpler days as well. More fun to go there then actually watching the movie. I mean as a kid of course. They also had a little playground near the screen where I spent much of the time playing rather than watching the movie.