Comments from Dinerguy

Showing 2 comments

Dinerguy commented about Maspeth Theatre on Dec 31, 2004 at 2:45 am

Anyone out there know about the Juniper Diner that was locatted on the corner of 69th Stret & Grand Aveue before the LIE swept it away.
It was across 69th Stret from Weber’s Drug Store.
The Dinerguy

Dinerguy commented about Maspeth Theatre on Dec 26, 2004 at 12:35 am

I worked at the Maspeth Theatre in 1948-9.
Usher, ticklet-taker, etc.
It was part of the Randforce “chain"
The Oasis Theatre was part of the chain.
I got paid 45 cents an hour- part time.
Seeing movies over & over again nade me movie fan for life