Comments from DickieMcLean

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DickieMcLean commented about Boulevard Theater on Nov 15, 2006 at 3:53 pm

Someone must have been listening to you Fred Roth, because a tribute to Huggy Boy was held at the “Lakewood Hop” nightclub in Lakewood, CA on Sunday Nov. 12th. It was a great tribute to Dick Hugg, and his many fans were movin and a grooven to the Rock and Roll acts of so many great entertainers that performed “all night long”. As Dick Hugg and his wife Sandy did, we ended up in Long Beach but many people in attendance were from LA and our old home in the San Gabriel Valley where KRLA came thru loud and clear with Huggy Boy’s humor, wit, and soulful record spins. We will miss Huggy Boy but his character and personality will not be forgotten. Our thanks to the promoters, emcees, and fantastic entertainers; it was a fine tribute to a great DJ.

Dickie McLean
Long Beach, CA