Comments from devbost

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devbost commented about Brattle Theatre in Danger of Closing? on Oct 10, 2005 at 9:15 am

I frequented the Brattle from 1996-98 before moving to a different part of Boston and changing jobs, which made it more difficult for me to attend movies there. I then moved California, and after three years there, have recently moved back to Massachusetts and am living on the North Shore.

One of the many things I anticipated about my return to New England was that I would once again be able to occasionally catch a movie at the Brattle. Now I see that the Brattle, like so many historic movie houses of its type, has made its way onto the endangered species list.

You can make a donation at their web site to help them meet their fundraising goal and keep the theater operating. I’m going to be making one soon, and I hope others who love the Brattle (or who just love old movie houses) will join me in doing so. It would be a real shame if this theater faded into history.