In response to the above post as Step-Granddaughter to Percy Harold James, Sr..there are members of Mr. James', family still alive. The children of his first wife, Jewel Hythel (Hattie). JEWEL, his oldest daughter, has a daughter living in Anchorage, AK. Her name is also Jewel. PERCY JAMES, Jr. has three sons (Percy III, Roland, and Leon) that are still living, and ROLAND, his youngest son has children still living in Denver, CO.
In response to the above post as Step-Granddaughter to Percy Harold James, Sr..there are members of Mr. James', family still alive. The children of his first wife, Jewel Hythel (Hattie). JEWEL, his oldest daughter, has a daughter living in Anchorage, AK. Her name is also Jewel. PERCY JAMES, Jr. has three sons (Percy III, Roland, and Leon) that are still living, and ROLAND, his youngest son has children still living in Denver, CO.