Comments from DeDe

Showing 2 comments

DeDe commented about Cinema Latino for NYC's Clearview Broadway & 62nd on Sep 14, 2004 at 9:24 pm

Hey everybody – I have an idea…Why dont we all try to meet up at one of the showings? We can wear a certain color shirt or something, and just say hi or go out for coffee and conversation to review the movie. Anyone want to? I work early so a Fri or Sat. night would be best. Lets do it while the nights are still pleasant.

DeDe commented about Cinema Latino for NYC's Clearview Broadway & 62nd on Aug 28, 2004 at 1:23 pm

I love this idea! Im Afro-Cuban, but am practically illiterate in Spanish. My hope is to have an opportunity to learn more in a fun setting. Its true the $4 trans. fare is rough, not to mention $9 for the movie! $13 for a movie that you may not even like.
To promote this theater, they should lower the price for a while, or at least on a certain day or night when everyone can go at an affordable price (not the M-TH matinee offered now – give us a Saturday or Fri. night.)
If they werent in a sky high rent district, they could do that or a offer a 2 movies for 1 price voucher. Does anyone remember the Cineplex Odeon $2/$4 movie theater on W.50th street? Now that was a NY bargin! I bet The Cinema Latino would do better if they charged $7. so those working for minimum wage, will be able to enjoy a night out for only 1 hour’s pay (forget $4 popcorn and a date though).
Their website (Clearview Cinemas) isnt very good – no review of movies or future titles. I think I will go once to check it out.