Comments from DavidMoreau

Showing 2 comments

DavidMoreau commented about Glen Art Theatre on Apr 30, 2006 at 8:04 am

In the late seventies, I lived in one of the small apartments above the Glen. Just before film time the smell of popcorn would waft through the building. The projectionist’s booth was a short walk across the flat roof. In the theater’s basement was a small shuttered bowling alley. That arrangement reminded me of the old Villard theater in Villa Park, designed by the same people, Betts and Holcomb.

DavidMoreau commented about Villard Theatre on Apr 30, 2006 at 7:28 am

I remember the Villard well. Growing up in Villa Park, we’d save money that we earned collection emply pop bottles in the neighborhood. When we had 25¢ we had enough for a Saturday matinee.
The last film I recall seeing there was “Target Zero” (1955) and seem to recall the sound of movie was interspersed with the sounds of the bowling alley beneath the theater.