Comments from DaveC426913

Showing 14 comments

DaveC426913 commented about Kingsway Theatre on Aug 27, 2008 at 9:10 pm

Would you like some help? You’ve got a bunch of people who would love to be involved!

DaveC426913 commented about Kingsway Theatre on Aug 26, 2008 at 8:10 pm

“The Kingsway Theatre will open soon and play movies once again.”

Please elaborate. Do you know something we don’t? Are are you just being optimistic?

DaveC426913 commented about Kingsway Theatre on Apr 28, 2008 at 10:48 pm

Lost Memory, how did you come across that pic on Flickr? It was just uploaded today. Or are you onesharp?

DaveC426913 commented about Kingsway Theatre on Sep 9, 2007 at 11:40 am

I very much like the idea, though I should probably be realistic about just how able I am to follow it through in addition to my career.

You’ll find my email in my profile.

DaveC426913 commented about Kingsway Theatre on Sep 8, 2007 at 5:30 pm

Last October I arranged a meeting with the owner and the former manager to get some advice from them about the workings of the theatre as a prelude to possibly running it myself. The meeting never happened (my fault) so I never got the chance to discuss it with them. But they were both interested in anything that might help the theatre re-open.

I think they might be open to talking with you and I think that it would be an extremely informative meeting for you. (The first things I wanted to ask were: what is the rent? and what are the operating costs? )

If you’re interested, I think it would be OK to pass along their contact info to you.

DaveC426913 commented about Kingsway Theatre on Sep 7, 2007 at 7:15 pm

I don’t suppose it’s a Toronto repertory theatre is it?

DaveC426913 commented about Kingsway Theatre on Sep 26, 2006 at 11:51 am

I’ve sent an email to one of the McQuillans, but no response so far.

Oh, I did get an email from someone in corproate finance (I thought it was you) who was interested in helping.

DaveC426913 commented about Kingsway Theatre on Sep 11, 2006 at 6:40 pm

Oh, I see. Revue and Royal were owned, but Kingsway was leased.

That could be bad news. If I understand correctly, that means that the Kingsway could have been a loss-leader. It’s loss could have been supported by the other two theatres' profits.

In which case, the Kingsway, as it was being run, might not have been breaking even at all.

DaveC426913 commented about Kingsway Theatre on Sep 11, 2006 at 4:05 pm

Ooh, that’s a real bummer about the Revue. Of course, we don’t know what’s replacing it do we?

Why don’t you contact me directly by email (in my profile).

DaveC426913 commented about Kingsway Theatre on Sep 10, 2006 at 6:18 pm

“…remember they had no rent to pay at the Revue and Royal.”

Why do you say this?

DaveC426913 commented about Kingsway Theatre on Sep 10, 2006 at 4:37 pm

Sorry, I may be misleading you. I’m looking for people whose brains I can pick prior to embarking on a quest of this scope.

DaveC426913 commented about Kingsway Theatre on Sep 10, 2006 at 12:33 pm

Oh, I meant running expenses and revenue. Employee wages, consumables, film rental, property costs, etc. Ultimately, I want to get all these things as ballpark numbers, add them up and see if it comes near breaking even. Until I do that, trying to start up the biz would be folly.

DaveC426913 commented about Kingsway Theatre on Sep 1, 2006 at 7:12 am

(Pah! It lets me write a comment, but only afterward tells me I need to be logged in!)

Anyway, thanks! I’ve fired off an email to her.

Zeph, do you have any experience in the business operations aspect of theatres?

DaveC426913 commented about Kingsway Theatre on Aug 28, 2006 at 8:16 am

I’ve talked to the leasor. There are a couple of people interested in the building. One is considering adding live theatre to its repertoire, another is considering turning it into a grocery store!

I worked at the Kingsway back in the reopening in ‘82 with Al Rush. I helped restore the theatre and worked there for almost two years.

I am considering the possibility of reopening it myself and would be interested in talking to anyone about the business aspect – particularly the most recent manager. I should have gotten her (I think it’s a her) number before it closed!