Comments from dancerrlj

Showing 3 comments

dancerrlj commented about Islip Cinemas on Oct 23, 2008 at 9:12 pm

I see that the rocky horror show is still on. Is there a live stage show?

dancerrlj commented about Islip Cinemas on Oct 17, 2008 at 2:01 am

He made no provisions for the show to go on. He gave the choreographer a name of a woman to call, but she never returned any calls. We also heard that his mother was ill, but that was all. We were never contacted, and when one of the actors contacted Marc, he hung up!! There would not have been low attendance, there were dozens of people who had already bought tickets (not just the families of the kids). The kids had sent out an invitation to attend the show on Facebook, and they had gotten over 150 confirmations from other kids alone. He left us hanging at the end of August, too soon to know if there would have been low attendance (2 full months before the show). I don’t care if it was because he left the theater, or because he had a personal problem. The fact that he never contacted anyone of the 10 or so dancers was crap.
Here is a quote from her recent email…
“ I have not heard anything from Marc at all. I called Liz and left her two messages and never heard anything back form her either. In my opinion it wasn’t her mess to clean up in the first place, so I really don’t want to keep bothering her about it. I don’t have any idea of why they would be selling tickets. The only thing I know of is Liz told the lead cast, in an email, if they wanted to do a few scenes on their own they were more then welcome too. I have no idea what the heck is going on. Being that I haven’t been able to get in touch with anyone, No, I have not gotten paid. I don’t care about my time what is bothering me is the fact that the kids put in their time and were very excited to do this and it turned out this way.”

That’s how kind and attentive he was to us…

dancerrlj commented about Islip Cinemas on Oct 16, 2008 at 11:32 pm

I am the parent of a teen dancer/actor, who audition and was chosen for the Rocky Horror Show to premier on Halloween. There were 27 or so other talented teens who were also picked, plus a choreographer, and a costume person, etc. Anyway, after putting in about 16 hours of rehearsal Marc left town and has not been seen or heard from since late September. The kids were very, very disappointed, and the parents are angry. We spent hours and lots of very expensive gas money getting to the rehearsal, shopping for costume pieces, going for fittings, etc. We have tried to contact Marc but he is gone, gone, gone. He was supposed to pay the choreographer, and the leads but obviously no one got anything. The show is still listed on the islip pavillion website but I don’t think there is a show. All of the kids went to the last rehearsal and the doors were locked. The week before at rehearsal, all of Marc’s cloths, food, and other personals were in the theater – we should have realized then that something was up. Anyway, I just want to say that Marc is a terrible person, and that no one should have done that to kids!!!! If he was unable to continue the rehearsals, etc. He could have had the decency to contact the kids directly, thank them and tell them that unfortunately there was not going to be a show. I can’t believe this man regularly works with children. Parents beware