Comments from Dan1512

Showing 7 comments

Dan1512 commented about Commodore Theatre on Aug 30, 2008 at 1:45 pm

Looks like the building days are numbered. It was comdemed four years ago and is now in housing court in Cleveland. Pieces of the stone facade have been falling off and it sits at a school cross walk. The buliding has become a home to vandals and junkies and the wrath of the councilman in the ward.It is currently by a bank in Boston. The court has ordered the exterior cleaned up and secure with fences and barricades by Sept. 2 2008 and to decide by Sept 5, 2008 whether to demolish or repair the building. A lawyer for the bank says they are leaning towards demolition.
The theater closed in 1971. Windows are smashed, the basement full of water and littered with beer cans. It was a church for a while but that project fizzeled.

Dan1512 commented about Mentor Twin Drive-In on Jun 24, 2007 at 10:43 pm

Last year or so they would show x rated movies. Neighbors complained becaause people would come during the day and hide coolers and chairs in the woods outside the fence and return at night. Management counter this by having secruity patrol the fence and charge anyone admisson who was caught doing this.

Dan1512 commented about Hawaii Theatre on Jun 24, 2007 at 10:38 pm

Spent many a Staurday afternoon there. Was in the Navy and a great place for a cheap time before we headed to Waikiki for the evening. Double and sometime a triple feature. Nice to see how they fixed it up.

Dan1512 commented about Lake Theatre on Jun 24, 2007 at 10:34 pm

AT the end it bacame a rock dance bar and later a country/western club during the Urban Cowboy craze.

Dan1512 commented about Euclid Avenue Outdoor Theatre on Jun 24, 2007 at 10:32 pm

I remeber working second shift at old Cleveland Crane. We could hear the audio on summer nights.

Dan1512 commented about Wick-Willo Twin on Jun 24, 2007 at 10:31 pm

I believe this was suppose to be a Jerry Lewis Twin Cinema. It was his idea to operate a theater chain that would show only G rated movies. They did’t last long. Not sure if it ever even open as a Lewis theater or as the Wick-Willow.

Dan1512 commented about Shaw-Hayden Theatre on Jun 24, 2007 at 10:27 pm

Remeber going to the Saturday afternoon movies. All the kids had a membership card. A three diget number could get you the grand prize at a drawing. Single number could get free candy or even admission. I got a free admission once and did’t tell my mother. Used the extra money for more snacks. Remeber a candy store or something like that next to the theater. We bought popcorn there and was allowed to take it into the movie.