Comments from damienryan

Showing 3 comments

damienryan commented about SunValley Cinema I & II on Aug 15, 2007 at 12:33 am

I have great memories of this theater as a child. Especially seeing Disney films in the 1970s like Herbie and Rescuers. I can remember being with my mother, brother and sister shopping at JC Penny. My mom decided we could be unloaded at Sun Valley for a Herbie film while she shopped. Ah the days when it was safe to do that much.
I remember the long red carpet up to the snack bar and the Banister that was brass leading up the way. Oh the memories. I was greatly saddened when this theater closed. Sun Valley as I last remembered has become trashy. ce la vie.

damienryan commented about Festival Cinema Center 5 on May 28, 2007 at 8:07 pm

This was my favorite theater growing up. A lot of ‘classics’ (mind you I’m a child of the 80s) I saw at this theater and fondly remember. This was also the theater that inspired me to get into the film industry. My God Mother took me to see the ‘muppet movie’ when I was a kid here and her daughter was a theater manager. she took me to the projector room after the film and being up there just ‘inspired’ me to get into this industry. About 15 years later I saw my first screen credit in that theater. This year I had my biggest screen credit yet and would have loved to have seen it there, sadly. It’s gone.

damienryan commented about Showcase Theater on May 28, 2007 at 7:58 pm

i grew up in concord and remember this theater. Unfortunatly it was always operating as a Porn house during my youth. I also remember when it was converted to the church. My mother went to this theater in the 1960s when she first moved to Concord. She told me stories about seeing films there after work. Must have been early 62-65.