Comments from Dalevich

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Dalevich commented about Odeon Leeds on Sep 14, 2009 at 7:33 am

I worked there when Les was working the Candy Bar and Maureen was box office. There was Also Derek, Kerry and the Management was Doreen and Paula and I think Carol.
I remember Peter the Projectionist too.

I was mainly FOH doing the old ticket tearing and in the screens, standing menacingly in the corner when kids were being a bit rowdy.

Dalevich commented about Odeon Leeds on Jul 25, 2009 at 6:11 am

I miss the Odeon.

I worked there back in the blue blazer and red clip on bow tie days, I wasn’t there for long but I loved it and made some good friends there. I remember exploring all the ‘behind the scenes’ areas of the building. That building was labyrinthian in parts and you could just about access anywhere from anywhere…I know that doesn’t make sense but you could go through one door and end up somewhere you never expected to be, it was almost as if the building was alive and shifting. That sounds very strange to say and is probably getting your screen a few strange looks as you read this but it did seem that way and the exterior of the building didn’t really give away much as to the scale of the place on the inside…(Tardisian?)

It was a landmark as people have said, when it was still there all places in Leeds were in relation to the Odeon. Before my time there I used to spend a lot of time there.

…and what do we have now? A Primark….marvellous.

BTW if you worked there around the time Independance Day was on release, drop me a line. Love to catch up.