Comments from creinhardt

Showing 3 comments

creinhardt commented about Empire Theater on Aug 7, 2008 at 6:01 pm

If I recall correctly, info on the Eagle was scarce, but I’ll look through what I might still have lying around and see if I can find anything. If you’re near Manchester, the New Hampshire room at the NH Public Library has a file of newspaper clippings about movie theaters, which is where I got most of my pictures from. Was the Concord located in Concord? I happen to live in Concord now, let me know if you need someone to do some mucking around at the historical society.

creinhardt commented about Empire Theater on Aug 7, 2008 at 5:36 pm

There are multiple pictures of the Empire Theatre at my website, along with information about other theatres in Manchester
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creinhardt commented about Empire Theater on Oct 14, 2006 at 5:29 pm

Richard Gouin’s post from Mar 1, 2006, while informative, contains a few inaccuracies. The theatre is still standing at 87 Massabesic Street in Manchester, and is currently home to a convenience store aptly titled the “Empire Market”. I suppose yes, the actual theatre innards of the building have been demolished, but the building itself still stands, largely unchanged. It still says ‘Empire’ on it, and I believe you can see the places where the two happy/sad theatre faces were.