Comments from CopyrightGuy

Showing 2 comments

CopyrightGuy commented about Windsor Theater on Mar 12, 2007 at 6:00 am

Sorry, no. There is probably an architectural society that has more detail on his work. He left no children; I’m trying to find a closer relative that might have more information.

CopyrightGuy commented about Windsor Theater on Mar 11, 2007 at 7:05 pm

J.M. Berlinger (cited above) is Joseph M. Berlinger (a distant cousin of mine): From Who�s Who in American Jewry, 1938, p. 81
BERLINGER, Joseph M., architect. Born N.Y. City, Jan. 16, 1888, s. Morris and Helen Berlinger. Ed. high sch.; Hebrew Tech Inst.; Columbia U.; three years� study abroad. Designed: Mt. Neboh Temple, N.Y. City; Dumont Masonic Temple and Bank Bldg, Dumont, N.J.; First Presbyterian Church Community Bldg, New Brunswick, N.J.; Fenway Country Club, White Plains, N.Y.l also theatres, apt. houses, industrial and commercial bldgs. Delineator of Victor Emanuel monument in Rome, Italy, compiling same with story into book for publication. Mem: Internat. Assn of Artists, Rome; Architectural League, N.Y. City. Married Ruth Taxier, Aug. 29, 1935. Club: Fenway Country. Hobby: golf. Home: 10 Park Ave. Office: 17 E. 49th St, N.Y. City.